Convertigo Public Knowledge base

How to pass data parameters to a Sequence on onSubmit event of a form?

In your front end application you have a Form component with multiple form inputs components.

When you submit the form it fires the onSubmit event to call your back end Sequence. But how do pass the form inputs data to the sequence variables ?

There are 2 ways of doing this:

The implicit way:

The onSubmit event holds all the form input names based on their 'Control name' property.

Use this property to give the same name as your Sequence’s variables, they will be automatically mapped to each other.

The explicit way:

If for some reason, inputs ‘Control name’ and sequence’s variables name can not match, you will have to manually map all the variables.

Right-click the Call Sequence component and choose 'Import variables from the targeted sequence', this will create all the needed variables under the Call Sequence component.

One by one, select the variable and click the SC button in the 'Var value' property.

Click the ‘Show forms on current Page sources’, select your Form and select the input value in ‘controls’.


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