Create Menu and sub-menus
Convertigo Public Knowledge base
Create Menu and sub-menus
To make sub-menus, MenuAutoItems component can not be used, it has to be done “manually”.
Most of the Palette components can be used to create Menu and Sub-menus (Grid, List items, Buttons, Icons, Accordion Group, …).
The Accordion Group component is likely to be the most useful one.
Here is an example :
You can think of a more sophisticated and complex menus using code to automatically retrieve pages name and build menu and sub-menus with a ForEach Directive:
let pages = this.router.pagesArray; // Function that returns an Array of Pages with their properties
// Function that returns the name of the active page.
// In 'Edit Application class' or in 'Edit Page class'
public getActivePage() {
let url = this.angularRouter.routerState.snapshot.url;
console.log("current url is: ", url)
for (let page of this.appPages) {
if (url.substring(1).startsWith(page["url"])) {
console.log("active page is: ", page["name"])
return page["name"]
return ""
With this helper functions you can build an automatic menu and sub-menus.
(c) Convertigo 2023 https://www.convertigo.com