Conditional Mailing List from checkboxes/radio

Convertigo Public Knowledge base

Conditional Mailing List from checkboxes/radio

Create your different mailing list using a checkboxes component (you may then be able to enable/disable mail at will, remove or create new entries):

Set it “Never visible”:

Then create your radio/checkboxes condition that will select the mailing accordingly:

Create a new Business Logic to look like this:

(()=>{/*debugger*/; var final_list=""; var choixabc=<listABC>; var choixdef=<listeDEF>; var listeA=<liste_mail_A>; var listeB=<liste_mail_B>; var listeD=<liste_mail_D>; switch(choixdef){ case "Liste A": final_list=listeA.map((x)=>{return x.value}).join(","); console.log("final_list:", final_list); break; case "Liste B": final_list=listeB.map((x)=>{return x.value}).join(","); console.log("final_list:", final_list); break; case "Liste D": final_list=listeD.map((x)=>{return x.value}).join(","); console.log("final_list:", final_list); break; };})()

Here is the sample form you can import in your No Code Studio:


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(c) Convertigo 2023 https://www.convertigo.com