Dealing with Character Set Encoding response

Convertigo Public Knowledge base

Dealing with Character Set Encoding response

The HTTP connector analyses the headers response to get the Character Set Encoding (Default to UTF-8, if not found).

Sometimes, headers and content data does not match or you want to force encoding.

You can act at different levels depending the use case.

At the Connector level:

Default URL charset encoding

Default URL charset encoding => Defines the default charset encoding to use for the transactions variable values sent as parameters in HTTP requests.

At transaction level:

JSON HTTP transaction
XML HTTP transaction


Character set => Defines the character set used for operations on the generated JSON/XML document (default: UTF-8).

JSON/XML response encoding => Defines the encoding of the JSON/XML returned by the target server.

URL charset encoding => Defines the charset encoding to use for the variable values sent as parameters in HTTP request.

At Sequence level:

Sequence Character set

Character set => Defines the character set used for operations on the generated XML document (default: UTF-8).

In some extreme case, you may end up overriding encoding response with the following code in the transaction handlers Editor:

function onDataRetrieved() { if(context.contentType.indexOf("text/html") != -1){ context.contentType = "text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1"; } }

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(c) Convertigo 2023 https://www.convertigo.com